Back To You


Lyrics Sample

I keep going to that place
And I can’t stop thinking…

I’m going back to you back to you now.
I’m going back to you back to you now.
I’m going back to you back to you now.

Reflection & Info
I’ve only heard this song once, and it was live.

All I can really say about this track is that it is a more fast-paced, upbeat song than many of their others, with a lot of kick drum and tom action. Out of all the songs they played at the show, it seemed like this was the one where all three members rocked out the hardest, simultaneously. That was awesome to witness.

I don’t remember much else about “Back To You;” I’m not even sure if I heard the one line exactly right. I was too busy immersing myself in the honor and luxury of new GLADES music. Apologies.

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